I am a big fan of being where you are and going with that, but with so many things to see and do one can’t do it all. One way to winnow down the choices is to focus on a trip theme for selecting them.
Spiral Exploration
A great way to get to know a new area is by walking in spiral starting from where your are staying. You get to know what is available locally without getting lost.
Realistic planning
You can’t see and do everything in a short period of time.When planning take into account your personal preferences for physical exertion and the time it takes to travel between places.
Quiet time
Having some time and space to have quiet time can help you stay sane. Even in busy, noisy places you can often find a corner.
If you really want to get to know a place go to a local park.
Offer to help in some small way
Offering to help people, whether it is to take a photo, reach something or pick something up for them can be a great ice breaker.