When packing use ordinary zip lock type bags for many items, since they can keep things clean and dry, and you can see through them.
say Yes, judiciously
When you get away from areas where there are a lot of tourists things change. Not everyone is out to get you, and sometimes people really do just want to drink tea and visit, showing off their business, wares, or artwork, or sharing a hobby.
Xenophobe…or xenophile?
When we travel, we are ambassadors, not just for our little corner of the world. We are ambassadors for the stranger, for travelers everywhere. That extends to when we return home.
Walking stick
A walking stick can help maneuver steep uneven ground, and temple steps. It is also useful as a mono-pod for photographing in low light situations.
Value is using resources wisely to maximize enjoyment and benefits. Trying to save money, weight, suitcase space, etc. can make one lose sight of getting the most enjoyment out of your trip.
An umbrella can be used as both sun and rain protection for you and your things.