Mountain Blues

A hillside of blue alpine lupines with the Tatoosh Mountains in the background.

Flowers not mood.

This year the blue flowers were showing off at their best during our annual trip to Mount Rainier, in Washington State.


It was an unusually good year for gentians because of weather conditions. Gentians seem impossibly blue to me.


I find a hillside of alpine lupines to be more amazing than the grand canyon. It takes a double miracle to see them. The weather has to be just so for long enough and you have to get there at just the right time.

During our visit this year in some areas they were about done for the season. But we took a hike a little farther from the main paths near the visitor center and were well rewarded.

I’ve never been able to figure out why blue became associated with sadness. To me

The earth laughs in flowers.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

For Ryan Photography’s Photo for the Week #43-Blue

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